Mudbusters Carwash Company serves Alaska as a supplier of vehicle wash products and car wash equipment. As Alaska’s largest car wash Distributor, our goal is to help every operator build a successful operation. We can assist with site selection, evaluation, planning, installation, start up, and continued support, from the ground up. Parts, supplies, and technical support are available, 7 days a week.
Explore the Jim Coleman Company website, for further information on car wash investing.
Location, Location, Location
These are three primary considerations in the selection of a good car wash site.
1. BUSY STREET: Traffic by the site is essential. Car wash users fall into two basic categories: the planned user and the impulse user. The planned user accounts for about 85% of our business and the impulse user the remaining 15%. In either case, they must be aware of our location. The best way to insure this awareness is to be located on a busy street. Preferably one that the customer travels every day to and from work.
2. SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE: Successful car washes are near the customers they serve. The car wash must be convenient. Most of us will not drive to a car wash more than a few miles from our home. The more people that live close to the car wash the better the income will be.
3. AWAY FROM COMPETITION: The number of cars that will be washed on any given day is finite. Thus, it stands to reason that the more car wash bays there are in a given area, the less income each of these bays will produce. The successful car wash is one that serves a well defined market. If there is more than one car wash in a particular market area, the combined number of bays they offer should be suited to the population of that area.
These three criteria, if they are followed, will assure a potentially successful car wash operation. The type of structure, quality of equipment and proper management are also extremely important. Be aware that the most beautiful, best equipped, and well managed car wash, can fail in a poor location.
Our membership in the International Car Wash Association and the Western Car Wash Association assists Mudbusters Carwash Company, in staying abreast of the latest technologies, innovation, systems, and concerns of the industry at the local and national level.